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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Rats, bugs, and manic animals [Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2007, 6:05 pm]

"I'm tellin' ya man - every third blink is slower."

Sorry - that little blinky thingie in the text box has been waiting for me to type for quite a while, and it just brought back lines from "Cars." Good movie.

I've stayed at school for the past two days to get in 16 more hours of work, and I'm thinking I'll just work a half-day on Wednesday, and then go home, so I won't get there really late.

Back to the whole movie theme again (forgive me - I'm multi-tasking and so my brain is following suit) - is it just me, or do some movie studios like to play copy-cat in terms of the subjects of their animated films? I've probably gone over this subject before, and this time I've even found a little article about it, which could probably explain things more concisely than I could:

Although the author seems to think that the fact that animated movies take years to complete should reduce the chance of other studios copying the subject matter. I'm no expert, but I would think that this would only make copy-catting easier, considering the longer a film takes to make, the more time another studio would have to try to compete with the first, especially if they had inside information before the movie even went into production.

Anyway, I had to chuckle at one of the respondent's comments: "The way I usually deal with the duplication in these movies is to wait for Pixar's movie and ignore the others. So far it's worked pretty well. Aside from the first Shrek and Over the Hedge most of the other films are pretty bad."

Although after seeing "Flushed Away," I definitely have to admit that it's pretty cute. So I'm wondering if the new Pixar version of a rat movie will be better. From what I've seen, Pixar seems to be a lot better than most in the area of character development, and I think that's why their films tend to be better, and to explore more mature concepts at times.

Hmmmm...I do need a topic for my 10-page Cultural Studies paper at the end of the semester - maybe this kind of thing would work if I expounded on it a whole lot more.

wander -- travel

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