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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I'll do it later. Maybe. [Monday, Jan. 10, 2005, 2:23 pm]

I spent the entire morning reorganizing my room. It's not done yet, but at least I've done something today, and there's a bit more space to maneuver - probably because most of my junk is currently piled on my bed. There's really only a limited amount I can do with about 10 square feet of walking space to begin with. Well, at least it's cozy.

I have this one chair, and when I first moved into the room it was actually used as a chair - you know, the kind you sit on. Now however, it has become "Lost and Found central", because I've just started piling things on it when I can't find anywhere else to put them. For some reason I just feel the need to have a place where I can just dump stuff when I don't want take the time to find a place for it. It's like my "I'll deal with it later" bin.

Somehow I think I have a metaphysical "I'll deal with it later" bin too. When I have more than one thing I want to deal with or think about at once, sometimes it's just simpler to dump everything in the bin and forget about it. Later, I can come back and sift through what I remember, and try to "find a place" for it, just like reorganizing my room. I can finally put things away, and prepare the "I'll deal with it later" bin for whatever new problems I decide to dump into it.

Well, I'd better get back to the reorganization junk, after my lengthy break is over.


"Who is my favorite actor? Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo. Everybody else comes in fifth."

-George Bernard Shaw-

wander -- travel

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