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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Learning from toothpaste [Thursday, Aug. 26, 2004, 6:14 pm]

We all have problems with words. Me especially. Even though I'm a quiet person, there are so many times that I've said something without thinking it through, and then regretted it afterwards.

I've often heard of words being compared to toothpaste: once you squeeze it out, you can't put it back in. So it is with the things you say - it can't be unsaid once it's come out. But just like toothpaste, there are different ways to deal with the mistake.

For example, if you happen to squeeze out too much toothpaste, there are two basic ways to remedy the situation: you could just push the excess into the sink and waste it, or you could use it, and have a cleaner mouth than usual.

And that's how it is with words too - if you say something stupid, you can waste the opportunity to learn from what you did, or you can take a lesson from your mistake, and end up 'cleaner', which will probably help keep you from making the same mistake again.

Yes, mistakes hurt, especially verbal ones. But I need to make sure that the major part of the problem isn't in how I choose to deal with it.


"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

-Mark Twain-

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