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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















100 things about myself [2004-02-10, 5:54 p.m.]

Updated 1/1/09

My name is Laura

I'm a Christian

I'm 22 years old

I was homeschooled all the way through high school

As were my six other siblings, all younger than me

I was born in Washington DC and lived in Maryland until the age of 5

Then we moved to Scotland where my dad worked at a military base, doing some kind of complex computer work that I would never understand

While there, we visited a bunch of other European countries, as listed in my travel log

We moved back to Maine when I was 10, which is where we continue to reside

I have lived in seven different houses (for a period of one month or more)

It took me three tries to get my driver's license, and it didn't happen until right after I turned 18

I worked at a little gas station/diner near my house for over 3 years, and two siblings work there now. We're like a hick staffing center...

For the first 2 years of college, I attended UMA, a community college half an hour away, worked nearby, and lived at home

After my sophomore year, I transfered to USM, and lived on campus, and graduated May '08

Right now I live in an apartment with two school friends and a cat

My degree is in English - I never changed my major once. Sometimes I wonder if I should have, but I'm sure any major has its issues

No, I don't want to teach. To quote the facebook group, "I picked a major I like, and one day I will probably be living in a box."

I love to write. I don't do it because I want to, but because I have to

I also love photography. I've done black & white and color, and I wish I'd had the money to continue taking classes in it

I enjoy school, overall. If I could make a career out of attending college, I would (assuming it was free, ya know)

I never skip breakfast - I would probably pass out if I tried to

My first car was a '92 Ford Taurus, but it died after about 4 years. Right now I drive a '00 Focus

I've only had one boyfriend in my entire life, for 3 months, and it basically ended in betrayal

I have been keeping a written journal since I was 16, and since that time have gone through a very large volume of spiral notebooks

My Bible is an NIV

I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago - it's the only real surgery I've had, and it wasn't that bad. I didn't even need to use the pain meds they prescribed

I worked in the campus mail room at school, and it was one of my favorite memories - I met a bunch of cool people that way

I've written a lot of poetry lately - but my dream remains to finish a novel someday. I'm working up to it

I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan - books and movies

Even before that, I was (and remain) a big Chronicles of Narnia fan - although the books are definitely better than any of the movies

I do love action/adventure movies, but I have special place in my heart for "old movies" such as musicals and film noir, and I find film history very interesting

I'm also a fan of the Marx brothers - sibling comedy actors from the 1930's and 40's. I've seen all but 2 of their movies, and own most of those on dvd

I love pasta

I also love dark chocolate

I've had three cell phones over the course of my life. They've always been 2 or 3 years behind the times, but that's okay with me

I love music - I use iTunes (although I'm too poor for an ipod), and I have over 100 CD's, not counting all the burned ones

I have a large, varied collection of favorite musicians - I like at least some songs in just about every genre - from rock, to pop, to hip-hop, classical, metal, classic rock, Irish folk, etc.

Lately I've been getting into Phantom of the Opera. I tend to prefer the Broadway version, although I liked Emmy Rossum better as Christine. Gerard Butler can't come close to Michael Crawford, however

I don't like snow all that much. Spring is my favorite season, because it isn't too hot or too cold

I wear glasses most of the time

I have blue eyes

I'm 5'6" tall

I want to adopt children someday

I like classic TV shows - old episodes of "I Love Lucy" and "Andy Griffith" are great. I also like some more modern things like "Fresh Prince of Bel-aire" and just about anything on Court TV

I love "The Princess Bride." I wouldn't even consider dating a guy unless he was willing to watch it with me. You really should see it if you haven't - it's a classic

I tend to feel more comfortable around my male friends than female ones. Not that I really dislike girls in general - I mean, I am one. I just think guys are a lot less cliquey, chummy, dramatic, whiny, and exclusive. In general, that is. And the majority of girls that I get along with the best are ones who feel similarly about such things. Odd

I pretend to be "anti-male" sometimes, but of course I'm not really

I'm actually quite anti-feminism, in general. I'm for equality, but not the sexism disguised as equality

Technically I've had 5 different roommates in college, although 2 were only for a week, back when I was in a triple. I've gotten along with all of them fine. No annoying kleptomaniacs in the bunch

My final GPA was 3.86, and yet the first time I registered for classes at USM I accidentally went to the wrong letter group table (H-L) for my last name

My hair is dirty blond-ish, but I wish it were lighter

I lived in a different dorm each of the two years I was at school, and I was never on a floor lower than third. It was good exercise

I was involved in Awana for 8 years as a clubber, and then 2 as a helper. I worked with Sparks and Cubbies, and I don't think I was very good at it overall. I love children individually, but I just get lost when I have to try to treat them as a collective

Black is one of my favorite colors. It goes well with just about anything else

I tend to play with my hair when I'm nervous, or concentrating - it's probably annoying. I should try to stop

I don't wash my hair every day. I think that's a bit excessive

Unlike a lot of girls, I understand how sports like baseball and football are played, and enjoy watching them when I have the time and motivation. I definitely favor the Red Sox and Patriots

I don't like raisins, celery, venison, moose meat, or soda

I like coloring on old pairs of jeans with sharpies

I love ice cream, and probably eat too much of it. My favorite flavors are mint chocolate-chip, cookie dough, cookies & cream, moose tracks, and on the Ben & Jerry's side of things, half baked, phish food, and fossil fuel

I enjoy web design. My skills aren't that advanced, and I'm not always sure why the things I do work (or don't work), but it's still fun to play around with

I save the ticket stubs from just about every movie/concert/sporting event that I attend.

I don't wear a lot of makeup, except on rare "special" occasions. In general, if it takes more than 3 minutes to apply, I don't consider it worth it

I love whole wheat/multigrain bread. I quickly lost my taste for that white "wonder bread" stuff after I got back into the whole grains

I'm very much an introvert. I think I've become a little more social and accepting since I've come to school, but it still generally takes me a long time before I really feel comfortable around new people

I'm pretty much the most awkward waitress in the world

I bought and sold the majority of my textbooks online, because it's a heck of a lot cheaper than the college bookstore

I've decided I don't really have a favorite color, although the walls and floor of my room at home are lavender. I like black, and a nice variety of cool pastels and darker colors like burgundy and navy

I love denim

I don't appreciate being politically or denominationally categorized. I love Jesus, and everything else I do should somehow spring from that - so I think "Christian" is the only real title that I need

I hardly ever drink coffee. The taste is nice, but I'm not a big fan of hot drinks, so I usually stick with coffee Coolattas or ice cream

I love Christmas

I like cooking and baking - cookies are fun to make, and I'll often make some big dish like soup or pasta on the weekend, and take it to work for lunch for a few days the next week

I've been blogging at Diaryland for around 6 years now...hard to believe. I'm also on xanga (same username) and facebook (and also myspace but I hate it so I don't really go there much) 75)
Maybe I'll think of more later :-P

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009