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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















College days [Saturday, Jan. 26, 2008, 12:47 am]

I really couldn't see myself doing journalism for a living. I mean, some aspects of it are fun, but it requires too many of my not-so-strong traits. It's good experience, but not a long-term kind of thing. Publishing, on the other hand, seems really cool. I love copy-editing. I could totally do that. Too bad job openings for that aren't exactly cropping up everywhere.

But you know, I told myself to do what I loved. And I've been pursuing it for the past four years. I can't say I've loved every aspect of English, or school in general, but I have no regrets. If I really believed that, I probably wouldn't have to re-state it every few weeks on here ;-)

No really, I have no regrets. Being unsure of how things will work out isn't the same thing as being insecure in what I'm doing or have done.

I love the college life. I love hanging out late at night with friends, eating many meals with the same friends, studying with them, doing laundry - scraping around Hannaford (aka "allicanafford") for snacks on pay day, using bottle return money to buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream frozen yogurt, hot cocoa, trooping up the hill from the parking lot late at night, wandering around the dorm with a camera, music parties, Shakespeare plays, chips & salsa, laying under trees on campus at 11 pm, Nutella, listening to music during numerous bus rides, and your mom jokes.

I don't want uncertainty about the future to cloud my enjoyment of the present. All things considered, it has been a great time...

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009