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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Hippie pants, softball, and Good Monsters [Saturday, Jul. 28, 2007, 11:13 pm]

  • A few days ago, I sold lottery tickets to a customer, and she actually told me that if I'd given her the winning numbers, she'd come back and give me some of the winnings. Sounds good to me. Gee, maybe I've been approaching this all wrong lately - why am I trying to work through school when I could just buy lottery tickets instead?

  • I played softball again tonight, and I actually slid into third base (I was safe). I haven't done that since Little League... it was kind of a good feeling, actually. It even produced two more holes in my "hippie pants." The two holes in the other leg were just the product of time and wear - these new ones are more drastic. I love my hippie pants. I wore them way back when I was skinny, and somehow I can still wear them now after a year of college cafeteria food. Not all pants are like that, so of course these have found a special place in my heart.

  • And that reminds me of a concept we discussed in Cultural Studies last semester. How society in general will try to find ways to take over those individual subcultures that try to stand out or rebel. I can't remember the word they used - I'm sure it wasn't assimilation, but I'm going to pretend it was just because I like that word. For example - hippies used to stand out by wearing their clothes until they fell apart and were all dirty and hole-filled - that was like a way of passive rebellion against the standards of society. And now, what can you find in all the obnoxious designer stores nowadays? Pants with fake dirt colors on them, and holes already made. How stupid is that? I'm certainly capable of making my own holes in my pants... So go ahead, spend $70 on that pair of A&F jeans with holes in identical places on each of them. Mine are less expensive... but they're genuine. My pants will not be assimilated!

  • So I've been listening to Jars of Clay's new CD lately. And by "new" I mean their most recent. There are a bunch of bands I try to keep up with, and I have little enough money that by the time I do finally pick up their new CD's, they're usually about a year or so old. It's okay with me though - I don't listen to the radio a whole lot, so their singles haven't been permanently ruined by countless repetitions yet. Anyway, I think "Good Monsters" is very good. I'd say it's their best since "If I Left the Zoo." Which is probably not a statement I'm qualified to make, since I don't own "Redemption songs," but that did look a little different than their usual to me anyway. Still, I think it's a bit better than "Who we are instead," and much better then "The Eleventh Hour." I remember that when "The Eleventh Hour" came out, all I had was their Zoo CD, and I read some great review about it, so I got it and was kind of disappointed, at least considering all the praise it received. I didn't feel that the occasional lyrical insights were enough to make up for the too mellowed-out sounds that verged on boredom-inducing filler material, at least to me. But they seem to have "un-mellowed-out" a lot in "Good Monsters," which is what I like. I mean, it's okay if they're a quiet sort of band by nature - it's what makes them good; but every band needs some occasional passion (properly implemented of course), or else it kinda gets old. I'm glad they're still alive and kicking. They just seem like they could last a long time, and I hope they do.
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