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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I don't believe in Prince Charming [Monday, May. 28, 2007, 6:41 pm]

I remember back a few months, years, weeks, or whatever ago, I wrote up something on here about how much I didn't like the idea of "finding" the right person. How I wanted to be found instead - to be pursued. Only now I think I'm slightly changing my mind.

Because I feel like I'm being pursued, and for whatever reason, I don't like it. As much as I wasn't impressed overall by Shrek 3, there was one particular scene that I kind of agreed with in the way it poked fun at traditional fairy tales. It was when Fiona and her princess friends were locked in jail and decided they needed to escape. Only as soon as Fiona said that, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty pretended to be dead/sleeping, Rapunzel let down her hair, etc. And then Fiona got upset with them and said something about how you don't escape from something by sitting around and waiting to be rescued.

And I do see how a lot of those fairy tales are kinda silly in that respect. A girl wants something, and so she just waits around gazing out the window, or singing, or letting down her hair (or just being dead or asleep), until her handsome prince rides up singing on his horse, to "save" her and carry her off to his castle forever.

Things don't work that way in real life. I really hope that physical perfection isn't the most important characteristic involved. I really hope that most girls don't just sit around engaging in leisurely activities until Prince Charming comes along. And if any guy ever approaches me with the attitude that he's going to "save" me from my current condition, I imagine he probably won't get very far. Not that I look anything like a princess anyway.

And yet these kinds of attitudes are still prevalent at least on some level, and while I've never entirely "believed in fairy tales," I've still probably expected the wrong things at times.

I do believe in true love. But I don't believe that it involves the things that most fairy tails revolve around. I'm just tired of expecting something to "happen." I mean, it's fun to pretend how things would work in a utopia, or an ideal world, but I think it can be discouraging and risky to try to actually live those things out in this world. And that goes for a lot of modern movies too - not just the traditional Disney ones.

Maybe I'm too picky, or whatever. I just know that I don't want to sit around waiting for something to happen. I know that waiting can be a good thing in certain situations, but waiting doesn't have to be boring or solitary.

wander -- travel

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