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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















If I were more cynical, I would say it suck-ethed [Friday, May. 18, 2007, 10:35 pm]

So do me a favor and don't waste your money in theaters seeing Shrek 3. Well, technically it's called "Shrek the third." Gee, that's a clever title. Do you think maybe it's compensating for something?

I think one of the things that made the first Shrek so good is that, for one it was very original, and for another, it somehow managed to have a very deep and poignant message without even trying. It seemed casual at first, but really wasn't once you understood it. The second one was also very good in that it was able to keep the story going and introduced new characters while further developing the old ones at the same time. The third one, on the other hand - I think it was just trying way too hard to produce some deep or important message, and ended up being merely politically correct. I mean, it did have its funny parts, that's for sure. But it didn't do a good job of integrating them with everything else and forming a cohesive movie.

And Justin Timberlake doing a voice? Well, he actually worked well as a teenager, considering he doesn't have his man voice yet, but his character wasn't all that impressive overall. That should have tipped me off beforehand, that this might not be as good. And the cute little ogre babies hardly had a part in this at all except for the very end. *sigh* I think they should think twice about making a Shrek 4, at least until they can come up with a better storyline...

I don't know, maybe some people will like it. It just didn't do it for me though, personally.

On a completely unrelated topic, why do people see the need to tell me or others that we should eat more? I mean, why is it socially acceptable to tell me that I'm too "skinny" and should eat more, but not socially acceptable to tell someone else that they're too fat and should eat less? Either way you're criticizing somebody's body, so why should it make a difference how you're doing it? I'm not skinny. I don't even like that word, because to me it conjures up images of emaciated or anorexic people, or twiggy fashion models, and I certainly don't look anything like that, nor would I want to. I'm just average, and I'm fine the way I am, so I don't know why people think that by telling me to eat more or get fatter that they're making me feel better. I think the best way to make someone feel good about the way they look is to tell them that you like them just the way they are, even if it sounds somewhat cliched.

Switching gears yet again - my little sister graduates from high school next month! It's hard to believe. My family is going to have three graduations in a row. First this one, then next year I'll be graduating from college (AHH!), and the next year my brother Tim will graduate from high school. Insanity.

wander -- travel

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