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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Sweat is good [Thursday, Mar. 01, 2007, 9:31 pm]

Ah, there's nothing like a good workout. And I can't say I've really had many in the past few years, at least not since I've had such easy access to the gym here (at least since childhood when I was active all the time anyway). So I suppose this means I'm actually sticking with one of my New Year's half-hearted-resolutions. That's pretty amazing.

I did some aerobics in a group tonight, which ended up being really fun, and I think I'm getting myself into a real routine as far as weight training goes. I've had to play around with things, but I have a better understanding of how things in the gym work, and how to structure a decent workout. Seriously, I love the feeling of knowing that I worked hard, even if I didn't do everything perfectly - as long as I push myself to go further, and am on my way to becoming stronger and more energized.

I'm going to be freakin sore tomorrow though. But that's a good sign - all the soreness and sweating can feel wonderful - it feels like I'm putting what I've been given to good use. Like, I'll feel muscles I didn't even know I had, and I feel like I'm cleaning all the dust out of the attic and making things work for my benefit that otherwise would have done nothing for me.

Anyway. Don't go thinking I'm some kind of athlete now. I still spend undue amounts of time just sitting on my butt. I just really hope that this is something that I'll continue with come summer, when I won't be 5 minutes from the gym anymore. I guess that tends to be a general fear in other areas of life as well - the fear of building, because once you work hard to build something up to a particular level, you often feel pressured to continue at that exact level in order to avoid backsliding, even if going back would still be better than what you were at first.

I see that in careers too. People acquire insane amounts of debt, work hard to reach some great height, and become accustomed to a certain level of living which they don't want to lose. I wonder how often people question exactly what they're working for. Just to pay off the loans that they only took out so they could learn enough to get the job in the first place?

Hmmmmm. I could ramble about classes now, but that probably isn't necessary. So I'll leave you with a poem I wrote a while ago. It's called "The Beginning of something"

This hidden self becomes a conflagration
The height of which I dare no estimation
If only novelty of feeling we could equate
With that cryptic and passive approval of fate
And here we are, a part of the cyclic reality
Of two together, trying to write our own story -
To find the elusive gap between cynicism and sap
To navigate through wrinkles and scars without a map

wander -- travel

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