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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Every day is New Year's Day [Monday, Jan. 01, 2007, 1:48 pm]

Happy 2007!

Nothing really exciting happened in my world this New Year's Eve. We just watched "The Princess Bride" and "A Night in Casablanca" until around midnight. Now there are only 2 Marx Brothers movies that I haven't seen. One line from the film that I found particularly amusing was this one:

Groucho: "You know, I think you're the most beautiful woman in the whole world."
Beatrice Rheiner: "Do you really?"
Groucho: "No, but I don't mind lying if it'll get me somewhere."

I think if all guys had to tell the truth, that's how a lot of compliments would come about. And guys wonder why women don't believe them sometimes...

Moving right along with my perusal of media items - I got the Newsboys' latest CD a few days ago ("Go"). I've only listened to it once so far, and while a few songs clearly display their trademark cleverness, there seems to be a little too much "Spirit thing" and not enough "Lost the plot" going on. But that's only my initial impression. Things may change. "Your love is better than life" is an awesome track - Aussie accents!

Well, my opening chit-chat is over now. As the year 2007 has arrived, I'm probably obligated to do some type of year-end re-cap. You know, the thing most people probably did last night. Therefore, I've made a few little categories for myself to make things easier:

Favorite memories of 2006:

-Soulfest! Seeing the Newsboys, Pillar, Superchick, Audio Adrenaline, KJ-52, and a bunch of other bands was probably the highlight of my summer.
-A 5-day trip to Pennsylvania with family. A great way to spend break.
-Moving into a college dorm and dealing with the real "college life." It's been a learning experience, but I like it there.
-The extended family gatherings we've had over July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. They're always so nice.
-Getting a job in the college mailroom. I've learned a lot, and met some cool people in the process.
-Random games and mall trips during bomb threats and power outages.
-The engagement announcements of at least 3 people that I know.

Accomplishments of 2006:

-Getting through the first half of my junior year of college.
-Writing around 100 poems over the course of the year. A lot were pretty short, and some really sucked, but it was great experience to get - and maybe I'll be able to do something with it someday.
-Can mistakes be listed as accomplishments? I definitely made some mistakes this year, but I'm hoping that I've learned from them, and become a better person after it all.
-Making some new friends. Friends are good.
-Becoming somewhat less shy and reclusive. Just a little. I still need help, but at least I've started.

Movie discoveries of 2006:

-Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
-Lady in the Water (Yes, I did think it was a good movie)
-V for Vendetta
-Saving Private Ryan
-Over the Hedge
-The Exorcism of Emily Rose
-A Night in Casablanca
-Double Indemnity
-Days of Heaven
-Monsters, Inc.

Musical discoveries of 2006:

-Weird Al Yankovic
-Simon & Garfunkel
-Day of Fire
-Phantom of the Opera
-Josh Turner

Authors discovered in 2006:

-Leo Tolstoy ("Resurrection" and "Anna Karenina")
-Fyodor Dostoevsky ("Crime and Punishment")
-Theodore Dreiser ("An American Tragedy")
-Goethe ("The Sorrows of young Werther")
-Bram Stoker ("Dracula")
-Mary Shelley ("Frankenstein")

Other discoveries and re-discoveries of 2006:
-Silly Wizard (an Irish band my mom used to listen to when I was very young)
-Huckleberry Finn
-Guava juice
-My laptop, due to a new hard-drive

-Don Knotts
-Gerald Ford
-Steve Irwin

I don't think I made any resolutions in 2006. Although I think it's a good idea to always resolve to be a better person, whether it's New Year's Day or not. I need to be more open to people during the next year. To find ways to share what I have with others, and to have less fear in all things. I don't want to be afraid of failing, be it socially or as a writer. I'll never become better without it.

More specifically, I want to develop something of a fitness routine this next semester, and I think taking 2 fitness classes of sorts will help me with that. I also want to develop more spiritual discipline. Self-discipline is something that takes time, which is why I call it a development - it's not a one-time thing you can just decide to do on New Year's Day. That's also what makes it so much harder.

I heard a very appropriate song for this once, by Carloyn Arends, and so I will leave you with the lyrics, and once again wish everyone a blessed 2007!

I buy a lot of diaries
Fill them full of good intentions
Each and every New Year's Eve
I make myself a list
All the things I'm gonna change
Until January 2nd
So this time I'm making one promise

This will be my resolution
Every day is New Year's Day
This will be my resolution
Every day is New Year's Day

I believe it's possible
I believe in new beginnings
'Cause I believe in Christmas Day
And Easter morning too
And I'm convinced it's doable
'Cause I believe in second chances
Just the way that I believe in you

This will be my resolution
Every day is New Year's Day
This could start a revolution
Every day is New Year's Day

One more chance to start all over
One more chance to change and grow
One more chance to grab a hold of grace
And never let it go

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009