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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Antibioticized [Thursday, Aug. 24, 2006, 9:39 am]

So you know how, when you're sick, you're supposed to just take time off, rest, drink fluids, blah blah blah, and eventually you get better? Well I did that for about 5 days and nothing improved, which is pretty depressing. Finally I just asked my mom to take me to the doctor, which is something I won't be able to do for much longer *sob*. And they said I had bronchitis.

Which makes sense now that I think of it, because not breathing properly makes doing anything else pretty difficult. And for most of the time I really didn't have the energy to do anything else, which was annoying, and made me feel like a wuss. (Well, I'm pretty much a wuss already, but I still don't like feeling like one).

Thankfully, I've got some antibiotics now, and I woke up this morning feeling better, which is a huge relief. I think I'll even try going in to work tomorrow. Missing a week's salary isn't exactly a good thing at this point, but at the same time, I'm glad this happened now and not while the semester was in full swing.

There are still so many things I need to do here and at school before classes start. A few of which I should have done while I was there for registration. Mainly I need to apply for a job, but all they have on the website is a list, that looks scary. No descriptions or anything. Personally, before I apply for a job, I like to know what I'll be doing. And most of them seem "academic" and sometimes major-specific. No cafeteria jobs, or maintenance. I dunno. I think working in the mail room would be nice. Sounds like organization would be a big component.

Eh, I'm just thinking out loud here. Well, quietly. But, online, ya know.


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