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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Let the summer begin... [Sunday, May. 21, 2006, 1:04 pm]

So, the end of May is almost here, and a lot of things are over. Some are things that I was expecting would be over by this time, and others are things that - I wasn't. But sometimes, coming to an end is good. It gives other, more important things a chance to begin. I need to work on beginning some things this summer, and sticking to them.

I'm starting up 2 internet classes next week, but they're only 3 credit hours combined, so I don't think it will take up too much of my time. Right now I'm getting around 25 hours per week at work, but I'm hoping to get more than that before long. I'm going in at 6 tomorrow. Yeah, and I thought that going in at 8 on Saturday mornings was bad enough. I'm just a sheltered night owl, I suppose.

Argh. Just ONE of these semesters, I would like to pull off a 4.0 GPA semester. I've come close at times, but haven't made it yet. Each of the past 2 semesters, it has been due to the grades of one particular professor. I suppose some of them just don't believe in giving A's, except for in the case of absolute perfection - but I thought Cornell was where you found the majority of those profs. It's just that I've written a few papers that would be A's in any of the other English classes I've taken, but not in hers. Kinda bugs me, but it's not like I can do anything about it. It's kinda sad when you get to the point where you'll try to write things differently just to please a particular professor, rather than just putting yourself into it - that's really something that education should be encouraging us to do anyway, to a certain extent.

So I won't let it bug me anymore - I always feel much more at ease when I'm not writing for a grade anyway. And it's not as though I'll ever get paid for doing schoolwork ;-)

Although I found out that one of my photos in an exhibition sold - I think one of the faculty members bought it - so that made me happy. I got to thinking, ya know, I just made a lot more money on that one print than I've ever made on writing anything. But then I realized I've also spent a hundred times more on photo supplies anyway, so it all balances out.


wander -- travel

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