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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Words that flow (or not) [Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2005, 11:00 am]

I don't attempt to write poetry very often, or as often as I probably should, but when I do, I realize that Longfellow is the poet I'm trying to style myself after, although usually not consciously. He was a story-teller, and while I would never be able to write those long, epic poems he is famous for, I am much more often attempting to tell rhyming stories rather than to express in a few words whatever obscure emotion I happen to be dwelling on.

I realize that not all poems have to rhyme, but when they don't, they just seem to me to be too easy, or cheap. So I wrangle over trying to find a few rhyming lines, and usually end up disappointed. But now I think I'm going to try the Dr. Seuss method. From what I hear, he wrote down a whole bunch of rhyming words first, and then wrote verses to go along with them, rather than trying to write a few lines, and ending up searching for that one perfect rhyming word that just wasn't there. We'll see if anything comes of this. It probably won't. I get good ideas and then get too busy with other things to give them proper time.

I've been making so many lists lately. Just to get my brain orgazined, because I often forget things when I don't write them down. Or only remember them later, when I don't have a chance to do them. Like this unorganized entry, for example.

No professor has told me this yet, but I think organization is something I should work on in the area of paper-writing. I just write what I feel like saying, and too often feel that re-organizing the parapgraphs would only make it worse, because it would disrupt my flow of thoughts. Sometimes my thoughts are like a soft, smooth waterfall, other times like white water rapids. And I never know what kind of flow I'll get until I start writing.


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