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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Deer, and my own books [Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005, 9:13 pm]

So, I finally got that deer picture developed, and it was more blurry than underexposed. I guess I was in more of a hurry than I thought, since I used a 1/125 shutter speed which rarely comes out shaky.

And today I went shopping at Barnes and Noble and got a huge book that contains the entire Chronicles of Narnia series. It even has the books arranged in the correct order, unlike the set my parents have which is starting to fall apart anyway.

Somehow I don't have a problem with buying books that my family already has - I just like to have "my own" copy of the really good ones.


"I don't need no one, to tell me about heaven.
I look at my daughter, and I believe.
I don't need no proof, when it comes to God and truth.
I look at the sunset, and I perceive."


wander -- travel

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