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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















No updates in 5 days? What's wrong with me? [Friday, Jul. 15, 2005, 4:27 pm]

I think sometimes the blessings we tend to ignore most in our lives are the times when we have been saved from things that could have happened, but didn't. Because a lot of the time we don't know that they could have happened, if you get my drift. Yesterday I was on my way to work when I realized that I had to floor the brake pedal in order to stop the car. So I drove slowly and stopped early, even though I was only driving less than a mile.

There was a little light on the dashboard that said something like "brakes [!]" I didn't know what it meant exactly, but had a feeling it wasn't a good thing. As I found out, I was low on brake fluid, so I called my dad when I was done, and he drove over and gave me some more. It's kinda scary to consider that that gooey liquid could mean the difference between life and death. And it squirted out the back when he pushed on the brakes, so I had a hole in the brake line.

Fortunately it's fixed now, and I had some good exercise walking to and from work. But it's something to be thankful for, that I'm alive, and that my brakes didn't give out during the drive, even if it doesn't seem like a big deal. You never know when things like that could happen.

Speaking of vehicles, we may be getting another one. My family owns 5 vehicles total, but only two are road-worthy, and one has been sitting in the woods for the past several months. We all have things going on, so it'd be really nice to have one vehicle for each driver. It looks like our 15-passenger van's life will soon be over. We haven't been able to drive it lately, since it would cost more to fix the rust than the vehicle is worth. How sad. I've never been too attached to cars though. They're just tools.

Yesterday I had a big tie-dying party in our basement. It's still a mess down there, but I intend to clean it up. I dyed a bunch of shirts, socks, underwear, pants, bras, whatever I felt like - white just gets so boring. Plus, dying is a great way to reuse clothing items that have been stained.

Oh, and it appears that my laptop is working again, since my Uncle took a look at it I still don't know why it's working so slowly, but this might mean that I'll be on more often, and might have time to write more interestingly. We shall see.


Sir Lancelot: "Look, my liege."
King Arthur: "Camelot!"
Sir Galahad: "Camelot!"
Sir Lancelot: "Camelot!"
Patsy: "It's only a model."
King Arthur: "Shh!"

-Monty Python and the Holy Grail-

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009