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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















The more extreme side of nutrition [Thursday, Apr. 21, 2005, 6:39 pm]

First off - yes, do visit this site:

Doug's Online Playground
This site is pathetically lame, but you really should visit it anyway.

Anyway, all this talk and thought of nutrition in class lately have got me thinking about one episode of "You bet your life," that I have, where the guest was Gypsy Boots, then known as Boots Bootzin. I don't know if anyone's ever heard of him before - I hadn't until I watched that episode from the 1950's, but apparently he only died a few years ago, and he was very active in areas of natural nutrition and wellness - almost to an extreme level. Here's a few lines from the actual episode: (the full version is on my site, on the TV page of the quotes section)

Groucho Marx: "Mr Bootzin, eh? Where are you from, Mr. Bootzin?"
Boots Bootzin: "Well, I'm Boots and I'm a native of San Francisco, even though some people think I'm a native from Africa."
Groucho: "Oh, I'd thought you'd come from the bush country. How old are you, boots?"
Boots: "Well, around 35, 'course I've been living 20 years in the hills and the mountains and the beaches and they never caught up with me to send me my birth certificate, so I don't know how old I really am."
Groucho: "Oh. You say you lived in the hills?"
Boots: "That's right."
Groucho: "How long?"
Boots: "Well, I lived there about 20 years in caves, and under trees, and on top of trees."
Groucho: "What sort of comforts of home did you have there?"
Boots: "Well I had a sleeping bag and a football and a shopping bag full of nuts."
Groucho: "What was the football for?"
Boots: "Well, I never had a tree-mate, I mean I never had a girlfriend or a friend so I had to play with something, so I played with the football." [this part was actually censored from the original show that was aired]
Groucho: [after the laughter dies down] "I've heard of people making a forward pass, but this was with 11 men. So why were you a hermit?"
Boots: "Well, 'course I didn't have to pay any taxes living that way, and I felt very healthy up there, I mean, I had a lot of air - I like a lot of air."
Groucho: "Yes, you can get a lot of air there. You mean one day the tax man came around and you threw the paper aside and said, 'Well, me for the hills.'"
Boots: "That's right."
Groucho: "So what did you eat when you were living like a cave-man? Frozen chop suey?"
Boots: "No, uh, I ate wild berries, and acorns, and I climbed high fig trees and ate sweet figs - I chased the birds away 'cause they ate the sweetest, and I ate sweet figs and grass - it's good for your eyes, alfalfa - cows got good eyes, I want good eyes..."
Groucho: "That's right, you rarely see a cow with glasses."

Kinda wacko, but you have to admire the guy.

So there's my odd fact of the day.


"Do you all know what apathy is? Or do you just not care?"

-Nutrition professor

wander -- travel

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