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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I'm not a portrait photographer [Friday, Feb. 18, 2005, 8:55 pm]

Well, I had intended to keep all of my photography at my personal site, but recently I've been getting back to the Art Conspiracy. I guess I miss the whole "community" feel. I wish I could put up a link to my profile, but those just don't work for some reason (I don't think the site allows any kind of linking) so if you still want to see it, just go to, and do a search for BraceletMakr. I used to make bracelets all the time, but haven't done it in a while. I'm more into photography now.

And... school break is upon me. I have all of next week off. What am I going to do with myself? Well, I'm planning to at least start on my next photography assignment, which is portraiture. My prof gave us 5 ways to photograph people, and we have to try them out on only 1 person. I've chosen my sister. Personally I think portraiture is boring, even if it's not as "manufactured" as the stuff they do at Wal*mart. I prefer candid shots, because I think they do a better job of showing people as they really are.

But I'll give it my best. That's really all I can do, isn't it?


And my quote of the day is one I love from the movie "That Darn Cat." The original 1965 version with Hayley Mills and Dean Jones, not the stupid remake.

Ingrid Randall: "You know, that guy has the most attractive way of putting his foot in his mouth."

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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