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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Today and tomorrow [Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005, 6:30 pm]

First off, an update. I brought my song script up to date for once. And I also completely re-did my 100 things, since it's been about a year since I wrote it, and I've changed a lot since then.

Today has been even weirder than yesterday. I could go on & on about it, but that would bore people, so one paragraph should suffice. So, I get up early to go to school and the doors are locked so I call information from my cell phone to find out that there's an hour delay because of "inclement weather" so my 9:00 class was canceled. The "inclement weather" was nothing more than rain, but the school parking lot was full of ankle-high slush, because they did such a crappy job of plowing during the snowstorm, so the snow had turned to ice and the ice had turned to slush. Total waste of gasoline for me. So I went home and my car slid around at the bottom of the driveway and lodged its front tire in a snowbank. I found out I was needed at work earlier than usual, so I went out to dig myself out. After shoveling for what seemed like forever, and attempting to back out several times, I knew I was stuck. So I left my keys with my mom and walked to work, in my soaking shoes and pants. 7 hours later I walked home, glad to see my car in its regular parking space, and also glad to finally take off my shoes and let my poor little wet footsies breathe.

Okay, so it was a long paragraph, but that was my day in a nutshell.

Now I'm home and my arms are kinda sore from all that shovelling, but I'm sure it was good for me, considering it's probably been weeks since I've engaged in such strenuous manual labor.

This summer I'm going to try to get myself into shape for once. I think I'll find some work-out clothes at Wal*mart to help inspire me.

I haven't thought a lot about this summer, but I know it will be different than all my previous summers have been. In the past, I've never had to think much about it. I knew summer meant sleeping in, softball games, barbeques, the occasional trip to the beach or amusement park, and of course, extra time to waste listening to music and going online.

Things can't be like that all the time anymore. It's not that I can't have fun anymore, but now I need to make money, and might even be taking some classes during the summer session. I think it's good for me. Perhaps this next summer will be a time of production for me, rather than laziness, for once. We shall see.


"Just remember, my little cabbage: If there weren't any closets there wouldn't be any hooks; and if there weren't any hooks there wouldn't be any fish - and that would suit me fine."


wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009