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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Winter is fading... [Saturday, Feb. 05, 2005, 1:45 pm]

When the sun comes out, and the snow starts melting and forming puddles on the sides of the road - it's a beautiful thing.

And I can go outside without a jacket on, for a few minutes anyway. And I can wonder if there will be anymore frost or beautiful snowfalls left in the winter. There probably will be, since this is Maine, but either way I'm happy.

Why? Because this kind of weather gives me a taste of spring. Spring isn't here yet, and won't be for several weeks. But when Spring comes for a day during winter, it reminds me that every day brings it nearer, and that no matter how cold it gets, winter is bound to end eventually.

Nothing that's ice or cold can last forever. Maybe the seasons were created to remind us of that.


"Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter. You are winter."

-Nichole Nordeman-

wander -- travel

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