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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Thank you so much... [Sunday, Nov. 21, 2004, 6:57 pm]

Thanksgiving is almost upon us, believe it or not (I know I can't). Aside from the turkey (which I don't care much for anyway), cranberry sauce, egg nog (*drools*), and pumpkin pie, the real idea behind this holiday is to be thankful for the things that we have. And it's really something we should be doing every day of the year, not just on the "designated" day of thankfulness.

Sometimes it's hard to find good things in a world that's so messed up, but despite all the things I complain about, I have an amazingly long list of things that I am thankful for. After reading it, I realize how much God has blessed me with. I can't list everything, that would take all night, but I'll hit the highlights:

I'm thankful for my family. All 8 of them. As annoying as they sometimes are, we have a lot of fun, and they make my boring little life more exciting and fulfilled than it would be otherwise.

I'm thankful for food. It seems like such a petty thing, but in this country we have so much of it that we're throwing it away by the ton. Sometimes it's hard to fathom that thousands of people die every day from a lack of the stuff. And all I have to do is open the fridge when I want something (and believe me, I do it way too often).

I'm thankful for college, and my awesome scholarship. Even though I'm not currently attending my dream college, I'm so glad that I can go somewhere that's only 30 minutes away, and that I have absolutely no debt to worry about yet. I'm thankful for the education that I'm getting - it's meant so much to me already.

I'm thankful for the internet. It has allowed me to share my thoughts, feelings, "talents", and time with so many cool people, and given me a glimpse into the lives of said people, whom I would never have known any other way.

I'm thankful for my computer. It allows me to write, connect to the web, keep in contact with people, play games, watch dvd's, and otherwise entertain myself, organize and store things, and learn skills that will benefit me later in life as well.

I'm thankful for photography, and the opportunity I've had to study it in much more detail over the past few months. It has given me a wonderful outlet to express myself, and I have enjoyed nearly every aspect of it (except paying for supplies).

Speaking of which, I'm thankful for money. Neither I nor my parents are loaded (obviously), but we've always had enough to get by on, and really, that's all we need, isn't it?

I'm thankful for music. It's my comfort and delight, and I don't want to think about what my life would be like in silence without it.

I'm thankful for my health. I could certainly use a workout now & then, but I'm glad that I'm normal-sized and have no defects, viruses, diseases, or other such hindrances to worry about.

And most importantly, I'm thankful for God, and the love and protection that He gives me. I don't deserve it, and don't understand why He continues to bless me as much as He has. I just wish everyone recognized the amazing things that He has done in this world, and is continuing to do.

Please, someone stop me if I ever come on here to simply complain again.


"I'm so thankful that I'm incapable of doing any good on my own."

-Caedmon's Call-

wander -- travel

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