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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Thoughts...floating...landing on a page... [Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004, 7:23 pm]

Good news - I registered for next semester's classes today, finally:

BIO 104, Intro to human nutrition
ENG 102, Intro to literature
HTY 104, US History 2
ART 335, Photography 2

Wow, I never thought I'd be taking a higher-level in something other than my major, first year. Hopefully I'll be able to do well.

Moving on to less important subjects...

This is somewhat humorous - some people need to think more before they speak:

"One quarter of American high schools teach abstinence, but they don't teach how to prevent a pregnancy."

Tune in next time for more deep thoughts from my extremely liberal history professor.

By the way, if there's anything that makes me feel inferior (there are quite a few things actually), it's talking with someone who is obviously very well-educated. Sometimes I wonder if educated people intentionally talk down to others to boost their own egos, or if they've just become so used to dealing with other educated people that they have less tolerance for those who aren't. It's something to think about.

Another thing to think about: Has anyone ever read the Guiness book of world records lately? Or at least glanced through it? It's incredible what stupid things people will do just to get their names in that stupid book. You know what I would like to know? How many people have died or been seriously injured trying to break a world record? I remember hearing in the news just a few years ago of a 7-year-old girl who died while trying to become the youngest person to fly a plane across the US. Somehow I think there are better ways to make a mark in the world.

Last point of the evening: Writing is therapeutic. For me, anyway. I think that in person, I really come across as a lot dumber than I am. And when I write, I come across as a lot more interesting than I really am. So I'll take the writing any day. At least I have a backspace key so if I flub up my words I can just erase them. No such luck with talking.


wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009