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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I shall take my pen, and pour out my heart... [Sunday, Nov. 07, 2004, 7:59 pm]

Today is the day in which I lament the lost art of letter-writing. When did we go from "My dearest sister, how have you been?" to "hey dude wut up lol". I know, I sound like an 80-year-old complaining about "kids these days", but I really feel like we've lost something.

The thing that started me thinking about this was reading "Pride and Prejudice", which included several letters between Elizabeth and Jane Bennet. It was evident in the story that writing letters to loved ones was not a simple 2-minute affair as it is today. People actually put forth effort, and took much time out of their days to pen correspondence to each other.

I find it ironic that we often communicate less nowadays, even though our means of doing so are so much more advanced than they were 100 or so years ago. I wonder what pioneers of the 1800's would have given to be able to e-mail news to their family back on the east coast. Or what sailors of the 1700's would have given to use cell phones to communicate with their wives while they were out at sea for years at a time.

Are we more spoiled nowadays? Or do we simply care less? I wonder if it isn't a bit of both. We certainly take our privileges for granted - that isn't too hard to see. But perhaps we aren't as concerned about our friends and family as we should be. I see this in my own life as well. I certainly have the time to write even a 2-minute e-mail to my grandparents, or aunt & uncle, but I just "don't think of it".

There are many wonderful things about e-mail, and yes, even cell phones, but maybe long-distance communication was better back when it actually meant something more.


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