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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















My opinions on Mr. Jackson (not Peter) [Monday, Oct. 18, 2004, 5:47 pm]

All this news about Mr. "Wacko Jacko" (Michael Jackson, for those who don't know) is getting tiring at times. I find it interesting that people are so divided as to what kind of person he is.

I also find it interesting that so many people think they know for sure whether he's guilty or not, simply because of who he is. If he wasn't Micheal Jackson, it wouldn't even matter to anyone, but based on his physical appearance and odd behavioral traits, many people seem quick to condemn him of something that they have no way of knowing whether he is guilty of or not.

It's not like the newspapers are going to give us any top secret information anyway. So what's the point of these "Is Jackson guilty?" opinion polls? His fans will probably say no, and those who hate him will probably say yes. Public opinion probably wouldn't matter in any other child molestation case, so why this one?

I read a quote a little while ago, from Michael Jackson, that made me think a little:

"People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me."

This guy is the King of pop, a millionaire superstar, and yet he's lonely. There are millions of people who supposedly adore him, but in reality he has no one to confide in. That quote actually made me sad. I think it's caused me to see him more as a real person, and not just some wacko celebrity who's always in the news.
No matter how the media portrays it, he's a real human being with real feelings, and deserves to be respected.

So, is Michael Jackson guilty? Guess what? I DON'T KNOW, and it really doesn't matter what I THINK either, because I'm not working on that court case. I only read the screaming headlines now & then. And most of those who think they know don't know any more than I do. The fact that he made some great music is not going to change the way I perceive him.

So regardless of whether you like his music or his erratic behavior, give Michael Jackson a break. Sure, he has issues, but he's human too. I'm sure I'd be just as wacked if I had so much fame and was addicted to the stage like that.


PS. Notice the new background picture. I really haven't "changed" my layout, I've just messed with it a bit. I've decided that I'll totally change things around a bit later. Perhaps after the first snowfall or something, just so it will be a more symbolic change.

wander -- travel

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