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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Return of the King got here a day late, can you believe it? ;-) [Wednesday, May. 26, 2004, 10:03 pm]

Ooooh, guess what came in the mail today? Yes, my Return of the King dvd! And it's miiiine! My own, my precioussssss! Now I have all 3; and they really do look nice together!

I watched some of the extra stuff the moment I got it. Well I should say "we" instead of "I", because there was a varying number of family members crowding around behind me at all times. The things I always watch first are the theatrical trailers and TV spots - they're so fun. And this dvd even has a way cool 6 1/2 minute supertrailer for the whole trilogy!

I've only watched one of the documentaries so far, but it was very good. We watched the movie in 1-hour segments today. My dad stayed home from work cuz he was sick, so he got to watch it, but went to bed before it was completely over. I think he really likes the meaningful lines from the LotR movies, cuz they really are good. Except he usually doesn't get the quotes completely right when he tries to repeat them. He'll say, "What business does a man, a dwarf, and an elf have in the Riddermark?" And me and Tim will be like, "No, it's 'an elf, a man, and a dwarf'!" Maybe it just comes from being an engineer. ;-)

I think the ending of RotK does drag on for a while. I wish all the hugging at the end had been sped up a little bit - it seemed like it was moving in slow motion. I think they actually did slow it down a bit, for effect, but I think it would have been better if they hadn't. Oh well, I don't really have much to complain about.

Except the weather. It's been raining for like a week. And this is exactly how it was last year. Rain, rain, and more rain. I know, it's a good thing for the most part. And it even caused us to finally grow some grass on our front "lawn". But some sun would be nice. Especially for the weekend.


Oh, and although this is completely unrelated to this entry, I must leave you with my quote of the day, from the movie Duck Soup, which I also watched today (for the first time):

Prosecutor: "What year were you born?"
Chicolini: "I don't remember - I was just a little baby."

wander -- travel

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