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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Wow, is homeschooling really over forever? [Tuesday, May. 18, 2004, 5:36 pm]

It's been a good day. Although the morning was pretty crazy. My mom was running around trying to collect every single piece of schoolwork and test that I've taken in the last year. And I had to take the second part of my latin exam this morning too, which took almost 2 hours. But we finally left around 3, after everything had been collected, and drove over to get my evaluations done. For the last time. *sob*. It's not that I deeply love school or anything, but it's just hard to believe it's over.

So, the teacher looked over all my work, and the grades & lists my mom had made out. And basically, I've earned all the credits I need to graduate, and even a few extra. All I need now is just a letter from my music teacher to prove that I took lessons this year. But that would just give me extra credit too.

Now I just feel the need to do something. I'm done high school forever, what am I gonna do with myself until September? I don't know the status of college applications yet, but I'll be taking at least a few classes locally, if I can. I need a job... it really all done? Am I actually finished school now?? Is homeschooling over forever? It's taking a while to really realize it. I won't be graduating formally until late June, but as far as my mom is concerned, I'm a graduate now. I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to be homeschooled for my entire life. Sure, it has it's disadvantages, but I've enjoyed it for the most part.

But I need to move on with my life. I can't just lay around the house all summer and expect the next chapter of my life to just drop into my lap. I have to go out and DO something.

Anyway, I got 75 minutes of driving today. And I didn't do anything stupid this time, although I still hate driving in cities. It's especially annoying when someone is behind me. I know that's inevitable most of the time, but for some reason it still makes me uncomfortable.

On the way there, I was driving through a wooded part, and this huge wild turkey crossed the road in front of me. It was pretty cool, considering I haven't seen very many wild turkeys since I've been living in Maine. That's the first time a wild animal has actually crossed the road in front of me. Neato.

Well, tonight I'll take it easy, and finish organizing my thousand & one latin vocab cards into categories, and putting them in alphabetical order - I've always enjoyed doing that, for some reason. I want to watch Room Service again tonight. And tomorrow: I'M SLEEPING IN!! ;-)


wander -- travel

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