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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Degreesness, and coldness [2004-03-02, 12:05 p.m.]

My cold got worse last evening. I'm blowing my nose and sneezing, plus I'm really sleepy cuz last night was rather restless. And my mom's still gonna make me collect sap later today. But it hasn't been very sunny (sun is good for sap), so I doubt there'll be much out there to collect. I'm still very glad that it's been warming up lately. I realized something intersting: When it hit 40 degrees yesterday, that made it about 80 degrees warmer than during certain points in the month of January, when it was almost 40 below zero. Wow. 80 degrees is a huge gap! Time to go to the beach! Actually, I heard that on Saturday there'll be some Polar bear swim somewhere, which is when a bunch of dense, half-crazed human beings go for a swim in the ocean. Yeah, totally insane if you ask me. I'll wait till we gain another 40 degrees-worth of temperature, thank you!

Oh yeah, I finished that Hitler book yesterday, it was very sad. And now I'm going to start 'The longest day', about the D-day invasion. Should be pretty cool :-)


wander -- travel

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