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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I'm ON THE ROAD!! [2003-05-09, 5:08 p.m.]

I got my permit!! Yay! I only got one question wrong :-D I would've driven home from class yesterday, but my dad brought our 15-passenger van, and I didn't want to drive that big hulking it's cool to be on the road! The only scary thing is that now when I drive, all the decisions are my own, and the person sitting beside me doesn't have a brake pedal, so if I do something stupid, there's no one to stop me (unless my dad can grab the wheel, lol). I think my biggest problem is just sitting at an intersection without going cuz I don't know if I have time to pull out or not. Oh well, I'll work on that.


wander -- travel

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Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009