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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















It's almost done... [Thursday, Dec. 13, 2007, 7:47 pm]

I'm a little less sleep-deprived than I was yesterday... it's all worth it though. If you're getting 8 hours or more per night during finals week, you're missing out, my friend ;-)

It started snowing in the mid-afternoon, and so it figures this is the first time in weeks that I decide to drive to school instead of taking the bus. Including a stop at Target, it took me almost 2 hours to get back to school - a trip that would normally take about half an hour. I was SO incredibly glad to get back to my room and throw off the jacket, boots, book-bag.

Three of my classes are completely done and out of the way. All the easy ones. Now I have to take two final exams next week, finish a timeline project that probably won't take more than an hour or two, and finish a 10-page research paper... that I haven't actually started yet (shhhhh).

On the brighter side (hopefully), I've been approved to do an internship with the Free Press (campus newspaper) next semester. I got a little tour of the offices today and did the contract stuff - now I just have to actually register for the credits. It looks like a cozy little place.

I guess the only part(s) I'm apprehensive about is the prospect of having to interview people for stories. I'm probably only going to do one article a week since I can help out with copy-editing, so I hope I'll end up with topics I like. I don't mind writing, I just don't always like research of that kind - due to that whole "shy" thing. I really hope I'll get over it enough to not stress too much.

All right... of to work. I'd like to get at least one thing out of the way tonight.

wander -- travel

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