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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Subtle triggerings [Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007, 11:01 pm]

So I'm going to sit here until the Red Sox game is over. I'm assuming they'll win it. It's 6-0 right now.

I'm listening to music and telling myself that I need to work on editing the final version of a short story that I need to turn in on Tuesday. Oh yeah, and then there's that paper...

This story turned out interestingly. Basically I set out to portray a character who had a certain condition. Except I never actually said that she did. Instead, I tried to describe it through other ways - the things that she can do as opposed to the things she can't. I intended to reveal it at the end, but apparently it was too subtle because when we were "work-shopping" it in class, a lot of the students were like, "does she have a problem? is she psycho? etc." But around halfway, through talking, they finally hit on what it was and had that moment of recognition (I wasn't allowed to talk so I had nothing to do with it). So I kinda felt good about that, that I hadn't been too obvious in my descriptions, and there was some depth to it. But to me that means it still needs work, because I want people to read the end of it and go, "oooh, that explains it - now I want to go back and read it again." Or something like that, just less cheesy. So yeah... it's hard to know exactly how to reveal something in a way the reader will "get it," but not in too forward a manner.

And a few scenes need editing... to make them more... better.

Hmmm. Sometimes little things happen, or I'm just reminded of something... either by a picture or a forgotten piece of text, or something small and insignificant... that triggers something bigger. And I'll feed on the memory, and it will ruin whatever good mood may have built up during the rest of the day. Which is dumb. I need to not do that, and maybe not eat ice cream every time it happens too. I mean frozen yogurt.

wander -- travel

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