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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Strong Bad and Columbus [Friday, Oct. 05, 2007, 9:33 pm]

So this is old news, but I've decided I don't want to marry Orlando Bloom anymore. Not that I've lost interest in the whole "cute British guy" factor, but at the moment my attentions have turned toward the more "gruff-voiced awesome animated guy" factor. Yes, I'm going to marry Strong Bad. YES I KNOW HE'S ANIMATED! What does it matter?? Can't a girl have her one guilty pleasure?? Okay, you're probably right, it would never work out. Naturally my next step would be to look toward his equally appealing co-creator and voice artist, Matt Chapman - but he's married. Of course.
So there you have it - the latest update on my non-existent love life.

Anyway. I have no classes Monday and Tuesday. Extra time for exercising! Theoretically.

I find it very ironic how Columbus Day is a school holiday for us, and yet 90% of the people here are rather politically correct, and thus hate Columbus. Okay, so that's a lame generalization, but at least the majority of professors I've had that have ever mentioned him feel that way... Personally I have a decent amount of respect for the guy. Sure, he wasn't perfect and made a lot of mistakes - but what's with all the hatred all of a sudden? I don't really get how people can condemn someone for their violence and prejudice, and then describe him in terms that pretty much amount to the same thing. Like pacifists who say they love peace, but apparently also hate President Bush and demonstrate it by calling him all kinds of obscene names. I thought we were against hatred here... ? How else do you think war starts?

Oh well. My actions produce just as much bafflement as the rest of humanity's, so what do I know...

wander -- travel

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