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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Confessions of a penny pincher [Friday, Jul. 13, 2007, 9:47 pm]

I guess I can't afford to mess around too much, or do anything really fun this summer. But I suppose it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I'll just tell myself that next summer I can do something exciting (the kind that requires money), once I won't have to be paying tuition anymore.

Not only have tuition prices gone up, but I kinda forgot that last year I had around a thousand extra buckaroos saved up from living at home the previous years, so that all got used up. So yeah, there might be a little discrepancy this semester...

It's true that I've considered graduate school and all that jazz, but I've pretty much decided that if that happens, it won't be next year. I'm going to just try to become financially independent after I graduate, and get that taken care of, before I venture into more expensive territory. You know, get a full-time job, an apartment, and stuff like that.

I've actually considered maybe going to Bible school instead, for one of those one-year things that many of them offer. I was thinking maybe if I can manage to become financially independent enough by next summer, I could try taking one or two classes, like in the evenings, just to scope things out and see if it's for me or not. I know there's a small school in the Portland area, and I know some people who've gone there.

We'll see. Sometimes I wish I'd gotten a higher-paying job this summer, or one with 40 hours every single week. But that didn't happen, and so I guess there must be a reason that I'm where I'm at right now. Not that I mind it - I love the family business atmosphere, and the people I work with.

I guess I don't need to speculate so much - just follow.

wander -- travel

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