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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I miss more than just the chemicals... [Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007, 4:43 pm]

I did something last night that could potentially have serious financial consequences.

I walked into a darkroom again.

I chatted with a photo student for a while after dinner, and he offered to show me where USM's darkroom was. As soon as I went in, that familiar smell of chemicals stimulated my olfactory sensors and told me that two semesters was more than enough to take off from photography classes.

They actually seem to have a smaller selection of photo classes here, which is odd, but I'm wondering if what I've already taken will be enough for a photo minor, if such a thing exists. Regardless, I'm going to get in contact with the head of the department, and inquire about things like that.

I'm going to find some way to obtain use of the darkroom in the future, even if it means spending the extra $$ to take another class in it. There's just something about a group of photographers in a small dark room, gathering around trays of chemicals, stirring our prints around and talking about how we'll all end up starving artists because there's no way to make money at something like this unless we teach or do weddings and senior portraits forever.

Eh, perhaps that's a little idealized. I just feel like I want to keep my production of images and words in balance. I've been doing some occasional photography lately, but it's mainly been spontaneous, automatic, point & shoot stuff. I need to break out the ol' Nikon and tripod again at some point. They've been suffering from underuse lately.

But that can all be done later. Now I should do homework, considering I really haven't done any yet today. I did go to the gym this morning though, like a good girl. Within the next week I'll have a schedule - the plan will be to go three times a week and work out different muscle groups each time. Fun stuff.

wander -- travel

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