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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Overseeing from the background [Friday, Feb. 02, 2007, 11:35 pm]

Since I consider this diary to be my true internet home page, I suppose I have some type of obligation to link any other substantial website I've created with this one, somehow. And so, for future reference, here
can be found the link to the website I have created in my website design class.

And yes, at this point it's very rudimentary, and very little of what's on there is more advanced than what's on here, but there's less freedom than on a real home page because I have to abide by all the specifications that the prof decides to set up. But I'm gaining a greater understanding of the functions of certain codes, which I'm sure will help me out in the long run. Right now what I'm working on is a "demonstration page" which is linked from the home page. I've had fun making it all spiffed out.

In other news, the prof of my Health class is fresh out of grad school and exceedingly cute. I could definitely have a crush on him if I still allowed myself to do things like that (i.e., have crushes just because I "can," not because they will result in anything worthwhile).

Moving right along. Work in the mail room is going well. I could pretty much stalk anyone I wanted to since I can find out where anyone on campus lives. Fortunately I'm not the creepy stalker type. I think dealing with addresses & such has really helped me to understand the layout of the campus though. It's also helped me to understand other ways in which college students are immature.

Sometimes we'll have to put "fillers" in the student mailboxes, or bulk credit card offers. And inevitably, the floor will be littered with such pieces over the course of the next few days. It just annoys me because I would think that if someone receives something they don't want, the trash can (or rather, recycling bin) is only a few feet away. Throwing things on the floor to make some kind of statement is childish and ignorant, because we are the ones who will have to clean it up later, even though it's not our fault that students receive things they don't want. We simply deliver the mail. If they don't want credit card offers, they should take it out on the companies that actually send the mail, not on us.

I understand the frustration though. It bothers me how credit card companies prey on financially-ignorant students, and waste so much paper with their bulk mailings that will mostly be thrown away anyway. And so the moral of the story is: Don't spend money you don't have - avoid credit cards. Borrowing money can be helpful in the case of big things like mortgages, but it can be dangerous to get into the habit of regularly buying smaller items on credit, and I think a lot of those habits begin in college, unfortunately.

It's okay to wear jeans that are falling apart. That's pretty much the style nowadays anyway. And if you can do sharpie art on them, it'll make it that much better.

wander -- travel

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Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009