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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Time, time, time, see what's become of me [Monday, Oct. 09, 2006, 7:05 pm]

I've been free-writing, and deleting it, and free-writing some more, and then deleting it again. Because it was so random, and I'm very subtle sometimes when I really want to talk about something, but can't actually bring it up bluntly because. . .I may regret it later, and I may regret telling people something that I'm not even sure of myself.

But it's sneaky to be subtle and mysterious, heeheehee.

Naw, my life isn't that exciting. I really don't have many secrets that anyone would care to know. But that doesn't mean my life is an open book either, because that's dangerous.

I know that there's no way to make a guy trust you. But how do you convince him that it's okay to try? How do you break down the barriers when you can't even remove your own? Maybe I should try being blunt once in a while, instead of constantly shying away and beating around the bush. But then, I don't want to alienate someone.

It would be better to keep a friendship than to do or say something stupid that I'll regret later. I'll be patient. I can't be the one to make the big decisions right now. If things don't develop, why should I think I can speed them up by speaking my mind? Won't work. My mind is tricksie and false - like hobbits.

I'm pretty sure that time and friendship are more trustworthy than feelings, in the long run.

(the title is from Simon & Garfunkel's "Hazy shade of winter")

wander -- travel

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