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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Just a few more days [Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006, 6:31 pm]

I just found out that I'll be going to the same school that actor Tony Shalhoub is an alumnus of. Let me rephrase that - I already knew I was going to USM. I just didn't know that he went there too:

He's in this show called "Monk" that I haven't seen, but it looks like the kind of show I'd watch, if I watched TV. I just know him from Galaxy Quest and Spy Kids, but I just thought that was cool. It seems as though Stephen King is the only "famous" person to graduate from a University of Maine school, but maybe he just overshadows all the rest.

Speaking of school. It'll be hard to leave, and hard to adjust. I won't pretend otherwise. But it has to happen. And there's a lot to look forward to as well.

My parents seem to have very different views of the whole thing. My dad is more laid-back, and talks about how he's happy for me, and thinks I'll have a great time and will do well. My mom might feel the same way, but you wouldn't know it. She asks whether I'll have enough storage space, whether the school has an infirmiry in case I get sick (geez, if I ever get that sick I'll find a way to get home). I just had bronchitis for almost a week, and I can't remember the last time I've been sick for that long, so I'm hoping that means I can avoid anything too serious this semester.

It just seems like my dad is more accepting of the fact that I'm leaving. And he seems to be more accepting of the things I do in general. Maybe it's because he didn't homeschool me every day for so many years, and thus didn't get a chance to micromanage my life. But I feel bad for both parents, and I don't mean to sound egotistical about myself - if I lived with someone for 20 years, and they left, I'd miss them too. Wait - that's kinda how it is for me too, only I'm the one that's leaving. So yeah, it won't be easy, but I think we'll all be the better for it.

I'll get used to it. It's just the first step that will be hard. If you think of it, pray that I'll make some friends, and find a good church/group of believers. And that I won't be too reclusive.

But that won't happen til Sunday. I still have a few days to be a "kid."


wander -- travel

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