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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Underdogs [Thursday, Oct. 06, 2005, 4:58 pm]

I feel unproductive when I don't do everything that I need to in one afternoon - and I shouldn't feel that way. But I shouldn't feel a lot of ways, and I do anyway. Don't take this to mean I'm hard-working, because I'm not nearly so much as I could be.

Right now I'm uploading around 500 pictures onto a school computer so I can hopefully add some to my "new" website. It's such a pain. I don't appreciate the convenience my laptop offers until it's gone, I suppose. Well, it's not "gone," I'm just in the process of figuring out when/where/how I'm going to take it somewhere to get it fixed. Yeah, maybe I'll have it back around January sometime.

I wish I could treat this like a real diary and say the things I want to say, but I just can't because I never know who could be reading it.

It's interesting how we tend to identify more with people we don't know. We read Jane Eyre and David Copperfield, and feel so bad for the things those characters went through and always tell ourselves on the inside that if we ever met Jane Eyre or David Copperfield in person, we would never have made fun of them like the other kids did. We would have befriended them and spent hours upon hours enjoying their company.

Actually, we probably wouldn't have done any such thing had we met them before their stories were published and made famous. It's easy to think that we would treat people well once we can read about how they feel inside, and delve into their thoughts in an open book. But if they were the same people we mistreated or walked past without talking to every day, we'd never know it.

I don't know exactly what I'm getting at, or why I'm using fictional characters as illustrations - probably because I just got out of class a few hours ago. It's just that, we read about how sad it was that nobody understood Jane, and that her relatives kept trying to change her. And of course, we talk about how she had a perfect right to be different, and surely we would accept her as she was and never try to alter her. Unless she happened to be someone else - another relative that we had known our whole lives, and wasn't the subject of a book. Then it doesn't count that she's an underdog because we know her.

I still don't know what I'm getting at. But if every "quiet person" we knew could pour out their thoughts like Charlotte Bronte, we might see that they have the exact same needs as the rest of us.


wander -- travel

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