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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Nobody said it was easy... [Saturday, Sept. 17, 2005, 8:15 pm]

Sometimes an attitude adjustment is better than a circumstance change. I am more than the sum of my GPA. So there. Let's hope this mindset sticks for a few days...

Today I worked over 8 hours, mostly waitressing, but it wasn't that bad. I really don't mind it when business is steady, or even slow, but it's during the busy times when I forget things, mess up, and wish I was elsewhere. So I'm glad I won't be doing that every Saturday - once school starts picking up (the horror) I'll be needing as much of the weekend as I can get.

I went photographing again today. It'll take me a while to get some photos on the 'net because I have so much else I'm trying to do, and with my computer having conked out, it just might be a while before I get much else accomplished.

It looks like tomorrow I'll be writing a paper (or most of one) at the school computer lab in one sitting. I just can't do that very well. Well, I did it once, for a timed paper, but obviously I had no other choice in that case. When I write a paper I like to sit down and write maybe a page, and then come back later after my thoughts have had time to reorganize themselves. I like to do it over a course of two or three days at the least. When I don't do that, it feels like I'm rushing myself, and the results just seem too forced. But maybe it's good to learn to do it this way. Maybe I shouldn't just cower back every time I have to do something I'm not used to.

Maybe college isn't career preparation, but rather a way to prepare students for the stress they will someday experience in the workplace.

I'll have a more thorough entry on college stuff later, hopefully.


"Now listen, men: here at The Rock we have two basic rules! Rule #1: obey all rules! Rule #2: do not write on the walls!"

-Barney Fife, Andy Griffith show-

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009