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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Fall semester 2005 is underway [Thursday, Sept. 08, 2005, 5:20 pm]

This is definitely going to be a hard, busy semester. I honestly don't know how people can get good grades while taking more than two English courses at once. I'm only taking 2, and they both will be a lot of work. I won't mind the papers so much, but there's a group research project to do in each, and I'm dreading them. I would rather do 3 extra papers per class than a group research project, and I'm not exaggerating. Okay, so I've never done one before, and I know everyone should learn how to work with others, because that's kinda how the world goes, but. . .I suppose I'm more of the independent artistic type. I don't do well with the whole "getting up in front of people" thing. *sigh*

So other than that, photography looks good. It's a 400-level class in the ART listing, but only 201 in PHO. The assingments look fun - two of them involve visitng a particular place more than once, and getting deeper images each time. Another involves quality of light, which was my favorite assignment in Photo 1, and then there's a self-portrait one, which will probably be more for fun than anything else. Obviously this kind of self-portraiture involves a lot more than just pointing a digital camera at your face and clicking, which has been my quick & easy method of choice, until now. It will be harder when I have to plan it out.

I have chemistry on Monday - I might take this back later, but I'm actually looking forward to having a non-participation class, just to give me a break. English and photography are very participatory type classes, and participation is always part of the grade. I think in some ways it will be relaxing to have at least one class in which I won't have to talk to people, or write papers, or pay attention (theoretically), or take notes the whole time, or make eye contact with anyone, etc. The prof. who's teaching it is one of the best ones I've ever had, so maybe that will make a difference. We'll see. I always feel overwhelmed and anxious at the beginning of the semester, so I'm hoping that will fade soon, and that I'll be more excited about trying new things rather than holding back and staying in my ruts that I love being in so much. Who knows...


wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009