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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Who reads the titles anyway? [Wednesday, Jul. 27, 2005, 12:02 am]

I finally have enough "MyPoints" for a $10 Barnes & Noble card because I decided to join the Disney Movie club. I couldn't resist, mate. (And yes, this was before I got my tuition bill). How could I pass up the opportunity to own Robin Hood on dvd anyway? All I have to do is buy 3 movies in the next 2 years, and with the Chronicles of Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean 2 coming out within the next 2 years, I don't think I'll have too much trouble with that.

They even had a section for non-children movies, and one of the dvd's I selected from there was "The Village." I loved that movie when it came out, but the reaction from other folks seems to have been mixed. At least from the opinions I've heard and read, people saw the movie as either a must-see, or a letdown. I wonder if writer/director M. Night Shyamalan's reputation as the master of "the twist" caused some people to watch the movie with expectations that were too high, or just misplaced.

Maybe it's just because that was the first of his movies that I saw, but I thought "the twist" at the end was very convincing - it fit the movie, even if it may have been very different from the other movies he's made.

It just irks me when people write the movie off as "boring" because they didn't think it was "scary enough." Yes, it had a slow pace to it, but if you really pay attention to the story, "the Village" has some very good things to say about life, death, love, fear, and "blindness," not to mention some wondeful acting from a bunch of talented people. It's sad that some moviegoers were so set on being scared out of their seats that they didn't appreciate what the rest of the movie had to offer.

However, this is just my opinion. If you saw the movie and hated it, I'm not trying to call you cheap or anything. Two people can look at the same piece of art and come up with completely opposite opinions of it.


Mrs. Clack: "How could you have sent her? She is blind."

Edward Walker: "She is more capable than most in this village. And she is led by love. The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe."

wander -- travel

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