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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Movie review and other meaningless anecdotes [Tuesday, May. 10, 2005, 8:35 pm]

Got my advance Star Wars tickets yesterday. Oh yeah, baby.

After getting up early and taking a 2 1/2 hour history final, I decided to unwind with some mindless entertainment, so I went to the Cinema alone and watched "Sahara." It was... interesting.

I wouldn't say it was a bad movie. I mean, it had 2 hot, funny guys who were apparently invincible to gunfire, a pretty girl, lots of explosions, a choppy, ridiculous plot, and a cross-cultural taste of modern African warfare. And that's about it. Oh, and the 2 guys were named Dirk and Al. Now those names just ooze of rugged outdoor adventures, don't they? It just wouldn't have been the same if they'd been named Amos and Theodore.

Personally I think there are many different ways the story could have been told that would have made the movie better. The plot could have been more cohesive, and I think they had something good going with the main characters - fewer explosions and more witty dialog would have helped. And like I said, I understand that "good guys" never get killed, but this was ridiculous. It's as if they were all wearing those "shields" that you can get in video games, that give you protection from whatever hits you. They literally had machine guns fired at them almost the entire movie and no one even got hit. Okay, I'll shut up, it was only a movie. Entertaining enough to serve its purpose. And I liked Matthew McConaughey's (however you spell his name) character much better in this one than in "Reign of Fire."

Yesterday I also picked up my photos from the college art show, since it's over now - I'm so glad they got selected. And when I say "picked up," that's literally all I had to do. I was expecting to at least have to show ID or something, but no, you just go in and take them off the walls and walk out. I found that a little disturbing. I mean, I certainly wasn't going to steal anyone else's work, but I'm sure I could have if I wanted to. Shows how much they value their students' artistic creations, huh?

Photography class is now over. How sad. But I got a 90 on my final portfolio, so I guess I'm happy with that. I think one of my problems is that I'm simply trying to "document" things when I photograph them. Granted, some of them look like more than that, but I guess others don't. Apparently I need to learn to see more "metaphorically." Yeah, whatever, I'll try. I don't think I need to change my style or anything (not that I could if I wanted to), but rather to think more about whether the photo is simply denoting an object, or connoting something else as well (I think "connoting" is a word, but I could be wrong).

Blah blah blah blah blah. There. Now I'm done.


Dirk: "I'm sorry, I don't speak English."

Man on boat: "You are speaking English now."

Dirk: "No, I only know how to say "I don't speak English" in English."

wander -- travel

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