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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Good Friday [Friday, Mar. 25, 2005, 9:50 pm]

Tonight I went to my church to watch the Passion of the Christ again. Only about 25 people were there, but we had a nice big 5-foot screen to watch it on, so that was nice.

Wow, that is such a powerful movie. Even though some parts are difficult to watch, you just know that Mel Gibson toned down the gore despite the rating, because it could have been a lot worse.

And when it was over, NOBODY said anything. I'm serious, we all just sat there for several minutes, and when someone turned the lights on we just filed out quietly. No talking, no joking. It's hard to do after seeing a movie like that.

I don't know why, but I really like the fact that it wasn't spoken in English. At first it reminded me of Lord of the Rings, when some of the characters would break into Elvish. It's just that the whole movie is like that.

Anyway, as emotionally heavy as the crucifixion story is, I'm so glad that it's not all there is to it. If there was no Resurrection, no one alive today would even care who Jesus was, because there would be no reason to remember the death of some obscure prophet.

People flock to the tombs of prophets like Mohammed and Buddha. But why would anyone want to worship dead men? I'd rather worship someone who had the power to defeat the death that can entrap all the rest of us.


"It is accomplished."

-The Messiah-

wander -- travel

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