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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I'm feeling random tonight [Monday, Mar. 14, 2005, 8:17 pm]

I absolutely can't stand college US history. History itself is wonderful, but they don't teach it so you'll learn, they teach it so you'll fulfill your history credits obligation. I haven't learned much of anything that I didn't already know. I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with this classroom stuff until now. This "mass produced learning" certainly doesn't work for everybody.

It was funny because the prof divided us up into small groups to spend half an hour discussing certain material from the boring book. And usually she visits the groups for a few minutes, but ours was in the corner so it was the only one she didn't get around to. So we just talked about whatever we felt like for half the time.

Such as, why are we going after Iraqi oil when we have plenty of it in Alaska? Because the environmentalists are afraid that drilling in Alaska might injure the spotted owls or cause global warming and turn the earth into one giant lava swamp, or something like that. By the way, anyone who seriously believes in "global warming" obviously hasn't been to Maine.

So we'd rather kill people for oil than animals, because we're stupid like that. Now don't worry, I know the war is about more than just oil, no matter what the Communist News Network (aka "CNN") tells you.

But yeah, where was I going with this? I don't remember.

By the way, did you know that in the movie "The Sound of Music," Christopher Plummer's vocals (Captain Von Trapp) were actually dubbed? I never knew that. This is quite disappointing to me, because I've seen that movie hundreds of times and I always thought it was really him singing. Oh well, life goes on. This has been very random.


wander -- travel

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