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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















The lost days of youth retreats [Friday, Feb. 25, 2005, 10:02 pm]

Today my church youth group left for a weekend retreat in Canada. And for the first time in 5 years, I didn't go with them. Technically I could have, since they allow 18-year-olds, but it's intended for junior high & high schoolers - I would have been out of place, plus I have work and homework to do this weekend.

I do have some great memories of those retreats though. Such as last year when a giant beach ball tried to eat me. And then on my first year, I was eating in the crowded dining hall with my friends (this was back when I had friends, of course), and some really cute male student sad down next to me. My leaders made a big deal of it for some reason.

Speaking of boys, me and said friends liked looking for the cutest guy students each year. We discovered that when we looked through our camera lenses backwards, everything looked closer, so we'd use them to "spy" on the guys playing in the gym.

One of my friends also tried to take a picture of a guy she liked - I would go stand somewhere near him, and she would pretend that she was taking a picture of me - but would try to get him instead. When the photo came out, you saw half of my head on one side, and a good side view of the guy on the other.

We had a blast when we were young. Ah, 13 was such a fun age. Although most people would consider 18 "young" as well.


wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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