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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Just a day, just an ordinary day [Sunday, Nov. 14, 2004, 7:17 pm]

My mom turns 46 today. I just thought I'd announce that to the world since she doesn't read this and so can't get mad at me for it. I was thinking about getting her the Pride and Prejudice dvd, but procrastinated, so I guess I'll get it as a Christmas present.

Today the teen Sunday School class packed 17 boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and they'll be sent out soon in order to reach their destinations in time for Christmas. It's just incredible to think that the boxes some of us so carelessly threw together during one hour of this morning, could wind up being the first Christmas presents that a child ever receives.

Believe it or not, even the annoying process of wrapping the shoe boxes felt fun to me, when I thought about what the boxes would mean to these kids. Maybe that's why I was a bit saddened at the careless attitude of some of the other kids, mainly the boys. They just sat around talking for the general portion of the time, and towards the end were simply shooting rubber bands at each other, like boys do, after packing only 1 & 1/2 boxes. I don't know, I shouldn't judge, but it just seems that they should take this a little more seriously. Maybe I'm just too serious, I dunno.

But regardless, thousands of children's lives will be changed this Christmas as a result of this organization, and being a small part of that is something to be happy about.

This afternoon I went off to one of the public trails in the next town over - the one with the waterfalls. Man, if I could get paid for simply taking pictures of rivers and little waterfalls all day, I would do it. And they're especially interesting this time of year, because there are icicles in the river now, so it's a nice contrast between moving and frozen water. The only thing that frustrated me is that there wasn't enough light to use a shutter speed fast enough to "freeze" the water with my camera. But making it look all misty is cool too. I hope the pictures come out good, because this final assignment hasn't been my best. I should develop them tomorrow, if all goes well...

Apparently this was a nice day for walking the trails. It's funny, I saw a bunch of people there, but I was the only solitary walker there. Everyone else had brought either their dogs, or their significant others with them. Hey, I brought my camera & tripod, does that count?

Sometimes I think I could accomplish so much more by resolving to stay single for life... but I don't want to.


"It's not what the world holds for you. It's what you bring to it."

-Anne Shirley-

wander -- travel

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