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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I should be working on a paper now, but I'm doing this instead [Friday, Sept. 24, 2004, 8:40 pm]

Lack of time and inspiration have led me to post more college English work here (last entry), just so you'll get to read something other than a day-log from me. I'll probably be posting more of that stuff when I can.

I just got back from Awana, and I'm glad to say that I think I did a lot better this time than I did last week. I guess I'm realizing that when I'm there, working with the kids, I have to do just that, and nothing else.

I have to be dedicated. I remember the guy in charge once said something like, "We all have things going on in our lives, but when we arrive at Awana, we need to leave them at the door. The kids deserve our full attention."

And that's what I'm at least starting to figure out. Working with the kids is a ministry - it's not something that should be done out of feelings of obligation. When I'm with them, I need to be thinking about them. Not brainstorming a topic for my next paper. Not trying to figure out what would be the best time for my mom to drive me down to the photo lab again.

It's as if I need to remove my thoughts from myself, which is where they always seem to be. I guess there's nothing wrong with being shy, and not being a social butterfly. But that doesn't mean I have to unconsciously shut other people out of my life and not care about anyone except me.

So anyway, a lot of people have been asking me how school has been going. And I usually tell them something along the lines of, "good, but hectic". I really am enjoying my work for the first part (minus algebra of course - that's a given ;-). Photography overwhelmed me at first, but now that I'm in the swing of things, I love it.

I love being able to take pictures one day, and develop them the very next day. Because with such a short time, I can still remember taking all of them, and even what I was thinking when I took them. Usually it takes me 2 or 3 months to finish a roll and send it in for developing. By the time I get it back, I usually don't remember taking half of them. It would be awesome to learn color developing too, but I hear it's WAY more complicated.

Oh well, I shall digress from my ramblings. Why do most of my entries end up being so long? I'm sure there are a lot of people who wish I was this long-winded when it comes to talking. ;-)


Ralph Kramden: "Hello there Mr. Harper. How are the kids?"
Mr. Harper: "I haven't got any children."
Ralph Kramden: "Uh, how's the wife?"
Mr. Harper: "I'm not married."
Ralph Kramden: "Oh, uh, well how are you, Mr. Harper? HAHA! Got you that time!!"

-The Honeymooners-

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009