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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I have trouble driving when I'm nervous [Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, 9:55 am]

I'm very pleased (or not) to announce that I failed my road test with flying colors!

Gosh, I was nervous. I'm trying to figure out which makes/made me more nervous: the road test, or my SAT's. For one thing, the road test is scarier, because you've got someone watching your every move. But then, it doesn't last 3 hours like the SAT does. And you don't have to get up quite as early in the morning for the road test.

On the other hand, when you take an SAT, you receive a certain score based on your performance, and can try again to get better if you want. With the road test, you can pass, but if you make a mistake, they usually fail you.

So back to the road test thingie: Well, I made some stupid mistakes that I really shouldn't have made. Putting the car in 'park' instead of 'drive'. Turning the wheel the wrong way while reversing - something I thought I had mastered already. So in my opinion, I did pretty badly on the parallel parking thing. But the instructor didn't say anything about that at the end.

Instead, he talked about my wide left turn, and failure to yield at a yield sign, *cringes*. And even worse, *sigh*, failure to yield for emergency vehicles. See, I heard the sirens, but I didn't see anything, so I figured it was far away, but... Yeah. The thing is, that's the first time in my memory that I've had to deal with those things.

I think there's some sort of conspiracy going on - I think they pay the emergency people to sneak up on them during the road test so the student driver will mess up. I can just picture the kind of conversations they have...

Driving instructor: "Hey Mac, I'm gonna need you to do the siren thing at the rotary again."

Emergency vehicle operator: "Sure thing, Mike. What time?"

DI: "A little after 8:30, if you could."

EVO: "Yep, there's a nice open spot on my schedule there. Who do I look for?"

DI: "A teal Ford Taurus, with a "Class of 2004" magnet on the side, and a nervous-looking girl in the driver's seat. Dark blonde hair, glasses - can't miss her."

EVO: "Okay Mike, I'll be there as soon as possible."

DI: "Thanks, and, don't forget to put your sirens on until you're just a little ways behind us."

EVO: "Will do. See ya!"

DI: "Yep, bye."

No, really, I'm sure they're nice people & all. I just feel kinda bad. But I've got another test in only a week, so that's good. I always thought you had to wait a minimum of 2 weeks in between tests, but apparently not. The guy said I should try and "fine tune" a few things, so hopefully I'll do better next time.

And I'll try not to be so nervous next time... fat chance.

But either way, it's not the end of the world. The earth will go on turning, regardless of how many mistakes I make on my little road tests.


wander -- travel

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