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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Going buggy! [Monday, Jun. 14, 2004, 8:34 pm]

Wow, I've done too many serious entries lately. I think I'd better end the streak here. As an update, I finally did my own little list of things I love and hate. It's in my Myself section, after all the links, (I got rid of the survey thing that used to be there).

Well, I worked for 5 hours today, and actually enjoyed it. Now that I'm finally learning how to do everything I'm supposed to do, and find where most of the things I need are kept, I feel less pressure. And really, the only pressure I've felt is what I've put on myself, because the people there are all very nice and easygoing. Fortunately, I haven't done anything too stupid though, so that helps at least, doesn't it?

I got to eat a whoopie pie that I made today - it was under-done, so they couldn't use it. Usually the ones they can't use are burnt or something, but under-done is so much better than burnt, because the top is still kinda mushy...mmmmmmmm.

I've been hearing a little bit about how the cicadas (sp?) are coming out this year, and I think I've even seen one or two. At least, I've seen some strange-looking bugs, so I figure they must be cicadas. The thing is, they only come out every 17 years, apparently. Which I think is kinda weird - I mean, do they have internal 17-year clocks, or what? But I think I still vaguely remember the last time the cicadas came out. I would've been about a year old, and my family was living in Maryland at the time. I just remember seeing a bug on the ground, so I got the bright idea to step on it, and as I did, it made this really loud chirping noise, which scared me so much I started crying and ran back to my parents.

I was quite a little wimp. But I've always connected that incident with the world 'cicada', so that must have been my first real encounter with one.

So, why am I talking about cicadas? I don't know. Sorry, I hope you weren't expecting this to actually lead somewhere - it's kind of like talking about the weather. I have nothing else to say, so I'll just talk about something that's relevant at the moment.

And while I'm on the subject of bugs, I'll talk about dragonflies. We've been getting quite a few of them buzzing around lately, and as much as I dislike bugs in general, I must admit that I love dragonflies. Not only because they eat mosquitoes (how could I NOT love anything that does that!), but just because of the way they fly. Somehow they remind me of helicopters - they can go up, down, sideways, and forwards, with no trouble at all. I just admire the way they fly really close to things without actually hitting them, and how they fly right above the water sometimes, looking for bugs to eat. It's a marvel of design though, isn't it? It's the dragonflies that came first, not the helicopters. Funny how all the amazing designs were already put on this earth by God - we just copy them and think we're so great.

All right, I'm done my little discussion about bugs. Oh, and I think I know what did it to me - my little siblings rented a Magic School bus video all about bugs, mainly spiders, and they've been watching it over and over and over. Ewww, speaking of spiders, they creep me out...

But I digress...


"Would you mind getting up off the fly paper and giving the flies a chance?"

-Groucho Marx-

wander -- travel

Miss anything?

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Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
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Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009