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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Jesus is risen :-) [Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004, 1:46 pm]

Wow, Easter Sunday is tomorrow. It just kinda snuck up on me this year, I guess. But I saw my mom getting some eggs ready to dye this morning. The little kids enjoy that, although I don't really do it anymore. I usually don't like eating hard-boiled eggs either.

But I do like Easter baskets. See, if I was an only child, or didn't have so many younger siblings, we probably wouldn't be doing the whole Easter basket thing anymore. But since my parents do it for the little kids, they might as well do it for me too. And as you know, if you know anything about me at all, I love chocolate. I know this sounds weird, but sometimes I almost wish my parents didn't give me so much candy around Christmas and Easter. Cuz if it's given to me, I'm almost guaranteed to eat every single bit of it. And I'm trying to cut down on that stuff. (key word: trying). And if I wasn't given any of 'that stuff' to begin with, it would be a whole lot easier. Oh well, I guess practicing moderation is the first place to start, isn't it? So I'll try to eat in moderation this year. But then, don't I say that every holiday? It doesn't help that we have so many birthday parties either.

Well, don't worry, I won't get caught up in all that junk. I know Easter is about so much more than just candy. Jesus is risen! Oh, and here's something somewhat interesting that I've been considering ever since Friday. I know Friday was called "Good Friday" because that's when people think Jesus died. But if he was in the tomb 3 days, wouldn't that mean he died on Wednesday night, and not Friday? The explanation I've heard for that is that the Jews often called something a 'day' even if it was just part of a day. But I also hear that back then, someone had to be dead for 3 days and nights before they were considered truly 'dead'. If Jesus was only in there for one full day (Saturday), then that doesn't really match up with what they taught. Plus that would be the irony of His rising after the 3 full days and nights were up. Kinda like he was saying "Now that Jewish custom says that I'm truly dead, I'll prove everyone wrong!"

That's why I really believe Jesus died on Wednesday and not Friday. I know, that's not the most important part - the important part is that he rose from the dead. But according to the Jewish customs, Him being in the tomb for 3 full days makes a whole lot more sense to me.


wander -- travel

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