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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















Listen to the song! [Thursday, Apr. 08, 2004, 10:28 am]

Oh my word, this pirate song was funny! If you like pirates, you might want to take a listen, I think he did a good job, especially on the evil laughing parts.

Well anyway, today I have my appointment with the oral surgeons. So I hope it goes well. I don't know if they might be taking X-rays today, or just trying to decide if they'll need to schedule an appointment for X-rays. So we'll see.

Did I mention that the maple syrup season is over for us now? Well, it is. But with the last sap of the season, we boiled it all the way down, and then put it in the fridge to let it crystalize. And then cut it up into little chunks to eat it like candy. It's sooo good! It's a lot like eating pieces of condensed brown sugar - just a whole lot better.

Oh, my Return of the King soundtrack came yesterday! It's really good, the only thing is that since I've only seen the movie twice, it's sometimes hard to remember what parts certain music was from. But still, I think it was cool that this one even has little clips of Pippin and Aragorn singing too :-)

*sigh*, maybe it's just because of the age I'm getting to, but I hate being made to do things. Especially if they're things I would be doing anyway. For example, I've been thinking about going for a nice long walk in the woods lately, cuz I haven't done that in a while, plus I'd like to take some more pictures of trees & stuff. But a few minutes ago my mom comes in here and is like, "I want you to go on a fitness walk today." As in, I have no choice, I have to do it today, and before 3 pm too. What, does she think I'm fat or something? But that just took all the joy out of it. I could've gone out there and had fun and done it my own way, but my mom often thinks I'm not going to do anything unless I'm made to do it. I don't know why that's how it's working though. Maybe I just like doing personal things (such as exercise) according to my own ways, not according to my mom's rules. I know, I won't be a kid forever. But still, I think I'm getting kinda old to be ordered around about trivial things like that.


wander -- travel

Miss anything?

Vitality - Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009
Soulfest 2009 - Sunday, Aug. 02, 2009
Politics and Poverty - Friday, Jul. 24, 2009
Michael Jackson - Monday, Jun. 29, 2009
Elegy for Spotty - Wednesday, Jun. 24, 2009