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English Major
Thinker of odd things
















I really wasn't intending to stay in the nursery all morning... [Sunday, Apr. 04, 2004, 1:14 pm]

Well, we did set our clocks ahead last night, and I didn't have too much of a problem getting up on time, but I guess things like that have more affect on the younger people.

My 3-year-old brother Andrew was getting a bit fussy right before church. See, when my mom's here, she usually goes out to the nursery during church and stays with him, but she and my dad aren't getting back till sometime after lunch. So I decided I'd take him out there and see if he would stay there on his own. I started to take him, and then he said he wanted to stay in church. I told him he'd have to be quiet, so I started to take him to the sanctuary. Then he decided he wanted to go out to the nursery again.

I've discovered through experience, that indecision like that often means he's exhausted, and that a tantrum is on the way. But I figured it would be better to take him into the nursery, since he was obviously tired. But as soon as I did, he decided he wanted to go back out to church. I told him no. He started getting mad. So for several minutes, I just sat there, against the wall with him on my lap, and he was crying and crying.

I think it was almost funny at times, because he would just say over and over as he was crying "I WANT to go!", and I told him no way, if he was going to make that racket. So he kept on crying and saying, "I WILL be quiet! I WILL!" Sorry kid, gotta demonstrate it first. So I just kept sitting there with him, hoping he would eventually tire out. I could tell he was exhausted, cuz he kept repeating himself over and over, and he wouldn't play with any toys, he just wanted to sit on my lap and cry at me. But eventually he did go to sleep.

It was funny, cuz I was sitting there with my knees up, and he just laid backwards on me, with his head dangling down, and went to sleep that way! Fortunately, he shifted positions a few times, cuz I was getting very cramped. So for the rest of church I just sat on the floor of the nursery with him. It really wasn't bad, I just couldn't really move, or do anything other than sit there. It wasn't comfortable though; seriously, at one point I couldn't even feel my butt. Yeah, I'm sure you wanted to know that.

But right before church ended, he woke up, and was back to normal. I guess he just needed a nap, *shrug*. Maybe he wanted his mommy too; I'm glad for his sake that they're getting back in a few hours. So, dealing with nap-needing-toddlers, isn't really fun, but if all else fails, just sit with them and let them cry it out, and they'll eventually fall asleep.

Well, in other news, deadlines for the first deposit (for all the colleges I'm looking at) are May 1st. I know which one I want to attend; *sigh*, I really hope I get a good financial aid package from them! I don't have any final awards yet, I'm still waiting. And they should be coming any time, so in less than a month, I'll have had to make the decision about which college to go to, and how to pay for it, and all that good stuff. Scary.


wander -- travel

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